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CPR & AED Training

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CPR, especially if performed in the first few minutes of cardiac arrest, can double or triple a person's chance of survival.  Learn proper  life-saving techniques and how to respond in an emergency situation.

Next class is being offered TBD
Cost: $25 per person
Contact the YMCA to register
Class size is limited to 10 people.
Contact Eric Cole at the YMCA   
for more information.

Lifeguard Certification

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Train to Save Lifeguard Training Class.  This is a blended learning course.  The e-learning portion is  due the first date of the instructor led portion of the course.  You will be educated with the skills and knowledge of a certified lifeguard.

Next class is being offered TBD
Cost: $200 per SCYMCA Member
$250 per Program Participant
FREE for those seeking employment at SCYMCA

Please direct any questions about the Y Lifeguard course at Switzerland County YMCA to

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